Resep-Resep Makanan

berisi resep makanan yang enak-enak baik itu tradisional dan modern

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Jumat, 10 Oktober 2008


Roti yang bentuknya kaya sorban nya orang india ini paling enak dimakan sama kare kambing

Bahan :
250 grm tepung terigu
sejimpit garam
175 grm margarine, lelehkan
125 ml air

Cara membuat :
Campurkan tepung terigu, garam, 25 grm margarin dan tuangi sedikit demi sedikit air sambil diuleni sampai kalis, bulatkan dan istirahatkan selama 30 menit
Bagi adonan menjadi 10 bagian, bulatkan dan sisihkan
Gilas setiap bulatan hingga tipis, olesi setiap permukaan adoinan dengan margarine hingga rata, gulung memanjang
Gulung kedua ujung hingga kedua ujung bertemu ditengah
Naikan salah satu gulungan hingga saling bertumpuk, diamkan sebentar lalu gilas tipis
Panaskan wajan datar, olesi dengan margarin lalu panggang setipa adonan hingga kecoklatan sambil dibolak balik sampai matang

Untuk 8 buah

Roti Jala

Roti Jala

bahan :
100 ml santan kental instant
500 ml air
250 gr tepung terigu
2 butir telur
1/2 sdt garam
2 sdm minyak sayur

cara membuat :
- masukkan semua bahan ke dalam blender, haluskan.
- dadar adonan dengan bentuk jala menggunakan gelas roti jala. kalo ga punya, masukkan dalam kantong plastik, gunting ujungnya kecil saja kurang lebih 1 mm
- jika telah matang, gulung atau lipat

Senin, 06 Oktober 2008

Egg McMuffin

Egg McMuffin®
This is a PER sandwich recipe:
1 large grade A egg
1 english muffin
butter, REAL butter
1 slice American cheese (real...not processed cheese food)
1 slice Canadian bacon
1 "12x12" sheet of wax paper
Non Stick Cooking Spray
You need an egg ring. Find one at you're favorite cooking specialty store.
COOKING your Egg McMuffin:
1- Pre-heat an electric griddle to 275 degrees. Toast your english muffin by laying both sides face down on
the griddle and applying pressure. This takes about 1 to 1.5 minutes. (they
should be medium brown) Set aside.
2- Lay your egg ring on the pre-heated grill. Spray with Pam to prevent sticking. Crack the egg and pour
into egg ring on the grill. Poke the yolk with a sharp instrument so it flows.
3- Butter both toasted halves of the english muffin liberally with melted butter. Put a slice of American
cheese on the bottom half.
4- About 2 1/2 minutes after you started cooking the egg, the whites should firm up, and the yolk should
still be a bit "liquidy". Carefully remove the ring, leaving the egg on the griddle.
(you may have to "slice" around the edges if it sticks)
5- Very carefully turn the egg over, and lay one slice of Canadian bacon on the griddle.
6- After about 30-45 seconds, "flip" the Canadian bacon, and remove the egg, placing it on the bottom half
(cheesed half) of the english muffin.
7- Put the Canadian bacon on top, and cover with the top of the english muffin.
8- Wrap in pre-cut wax paper just like the hambugrer recipes. Let stand 5 minutes, then microwave 12
second on high, and eat.

McDonald's® ORIGINAL Milkshakes!

McDonald's® ORIGINAL Milkshakes!
The milkshakes were changed in the early 80's to reduce the fat content and calories. These McDonald's
shakes are how they tasted from the 50's
through the 70's. Back then the straw would sometimes collapse because the shakes were so thick. ENJOY!
McDonald's Milkshakes
I suggest getting an Hamilton Beach DRINK-MASTER. It is a consumer version of the multi-mixer's Ray
Kroc used to sell to the McDonald brothers.
(or... a blender works O.K.)
Vanilla Shake
2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup whole milk
1/4 cup half & half
3 tablespoons sugar
1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
Chocolate Shake
2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup whole milk
1/4 cup half & half
2½ tablespoons chocolate flavor Nestle Quik Powder
Strawberry Shake
2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup whole milk
1/4 cup half & half
3 tablespoons strawberry flavor Nestle Quik Powder
Shamrock™ Shake
2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup milk
1/4 cup half and half
1/4 teaspoon MINT extract (not peppermint)
8 drops green food coloring
1. Combine half of the ingredients for the shake flavor of your choice in a the silver cup that comes in the
DRINKMASTER, and mix on high speed until
smooth. Pour into a cup. Repeat for shake #2. Or use a blender and mix all ingredients on high speed until
smooth. Stop blender, stir and blend again, if
necessary to combine ingredients.
2. Pour into two 12-ounce cups.
Serves 2.




300 g ikan bandeng

minyak goreng

75 g kelapa parut,sangrai,haluskan

1 butir telur kocok

4 lbr daun jeruk,buang tulangnya tengahnya iris tipis

Bumbu halus

5 butir bawang merah

2 siung bawang putih

½ sdt merica

2 cm kencur

½ cm lengkuas

½ sdt garam

1 sdt air asam jawa

Cara membuat

Panggang atau kukus ikan bandeng hingga matang,kupas kulit ikan,ambil dagingnya Pisahkan dan buang duri-duri ikan,suwir-suwir dagingnya.

Panaskan 2 sdm minyak goreng dalam wajan,tumis bumbu hingga harum,angkat,tiriskan.Campur kelapa parut halus,ikan suwir,telur kocok,dan daun jeruk dan bumbu halus dalam wadah,aduk hingga rata.Bagi adonan menjaadi 8 bagian.

Bentuk adonan menjadi segitiga sama sisi ukuran 4 cm ddengan tebal 1 cm.

panaskan sedikit miyak goreng dala wajan datar,masukan adonan.goreng sambil di bolak balik

ayam bakar taliwang

Ayam Bakar Taliwang


1 ekor ayam (600 g) ayam kampung

1 sdt garam

2 sdm air jeruk limau

6 sdm minyak goreng

300 ml air

Bumbu halus

200 g cabai merah

150 g bawang merah

3 siung bawang putih

5 cm kencur

2 sdt terasi bakar

1 sdt garam

1sdt gula merah sisir

200 g tomat

Cara Membuat

Bersihkan ayam,belah menjadi 8 bagian,olesi ddengan garam dan air jeruk limau.Sisihkan selama 30 menit.

Panaskan minyak goreng dalam wajan,tumis bumbu hingga harum.Masukan potongan ayam,aduk hingga ayam kaku

Tuangi air tutup wajan,kecilkan apinya.Masak sambil sekali-kali dibalik hingga ayam empuk dan airnya menering,angkat.
Panaskan pemanggang diatas bara api. Panggang ayam ungkep sambil diolesi bumbu hingga aromanya keluar.Balik-balikan hingga cukup matang,angkatAyam Bakar Taliwang

Minggu, 05 Oktober 2008

McChicken Sandwich

SPECIAL TOOLS: Deep fryer; meat mallet

vegetable oil (in fryer)
1 egg
1 cup water
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup tempura mix
(or 1/3 cup flour for a total of 1 cup if tempura mix is unavailable)
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon Accent®
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
4 chicken breast filets
4 sesame seed hamburger buns
1 cup chopped iceberg lettuce

McChicken® sauce:
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/16 teaspoon onion powder
Stir together well, refrigerate until needed.
Preparing your McChicken® Sandwich
1. Beat the egg and then combine it with 1 cup water in a small, shallow bowl. Stir.
2. Combine the flour, salt, pepper, Accent®, onion powder and garlic powder in a one
gallon size zip lock bag.
3. Pound each of the breast filets with a mallet until about 1/4-inch thick. Trim each breast
filet until it is round.
4. Coat each filet with the flour mixture by shaking in the zip lock bag.
5. Remove and dredge each filet in the egg mixture, coating well. Then return each filet to the
flour/seasoning mixture. Shake to coat. Put filets, bag and all, in the freezer for at least an
hour. Cover and refrigerate remaining egg mixture.
6. After freezing, repeat the "coating" process.
7. Deep fry the chicken filets at 375° for 10-12 minutes or until light brown and crispy.
8. As the chicken is frying, toast the buns using the standard method described in cooking
regular hamburgers.
9. On the crown side of the bun, apply 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise mixture, followed by 1/4 cup chopped
iceberg lettuce. Then top with the cooked chicken patty, and the heel of the
10. Wrap tightly in a 12x16 piece of waxed paper, and let stand 6-8 minutes.
11. Microwave on high, individually, for 15 seconds and serve.
Personal suggestion: CHEESE IT! With real American cheese, one slice, between the
patty and the heel.


resep kentang mac donal

Aq ini doyan baget sama kentang goreng mc D tapi sayangnya di balikpapan ngak ada mc d jadi aq coba cari resep KentaGor mcD trus dapat nih aq bagi

McDonald's® Famous French Fries
Special Tools
Deep fryer
French Fry Cutter
(or patience for cutting potatoes)
2 large Idaho russett potatoes
1/4 cup sugar
2 Tablespoons corn syrup
1½-2 cups hot water
6 cups Crisco® shortening
1/4 cup beef lard (or save the fat from previously cooked burgers)
Preparing your french fries
Peel the potatoes. In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar, corn syrup, and hot water. Make sure the sugar is
dissolved. Using a french fry slicer, cut the peeled
potatoes into shoestrings. The potatoes should be 1/4" x 1/4" in thickness, and about 4" to 6" long. (You
can do this with a knife, but it is alot of work)
Place the shoestringed potatoes into the bowl of sugar-water, and refrigerate. Let them soak about 30
While they're soaking, pack the shortening into the deep fryer. Crank up the temperature to "full". The
shortening has to pre-heat for a very long time. It will
eventually liquify. After it has liquified and is at least 375°, drain the potatoes and dump them into the fryer.
(be careful, it will be ferocious)
After 1 to 1½ minutes, remove the potatoes and place them on a paper towel lined plate. Let them cool 8 to
10 minutes in the refrigerator.
While they're cooling, add the lard or beef drippings to the hot Crisco®. Again, crank the temperature to
full. Stir in the lard as it melts into the oil. It will blend in.
After the deep fryer is reheated to 375°-400°, add the potatoes and deep fry again. This time for 5-7 minutes
until golden brown. Remove and place in a large bowl.
Sprinkle generously with salt, then "toss" the fries to mix the salt evenly. ( I suggest about 1 teaspoon of
salt, maybe slightly more)
Serve hot, serve immediately, and enjoy! Depending upon the size of the potatoes, this recipe make about 2
medium sized fries.
Special Notes
Note¹***** If you want more fries, double the recipe---but DON'T double the cooking oil. Just cook them
in shifts, adding about 1/4 cup more Crisco® and 1
tablespoon lard for the second batch.
