Resep-Resep Makanan

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Jumat, 10 Oktober 2008


Roti yang bentuknya kaya sorban nya orang india ini paling enak dimakan sama kare kambing

Bahan :
250 grm tepung terigu
sejimpit garam
175 grm margarine, lelehkan
125 ml air

Cara membuat :
Campurkan tepung terigu, garam, 25 grm margarin dan tuangi sedikit demi sedikit air sambil diuleni sampai kalis, bulatkan dan istirahatkan selama 30 menit
Bagi adonan menjadi 10 bagian, bulatkan dan sisihkan
Gilas setiap bulatan hingga tipis, olesi setiap permukaan adoinan dengan margarine hingga rata, gulung memanjang
Gulung kedua ujung hingga kedua ujung bertemu ditengah
Naikan salah satu gulungan hingga saling bertumpuk, diamkan sebentar lalu gilas tipis
Panaskan wajan datar, olesi dengan margarin lalu panggang setipa adonan hingga kecoklatan sambil dibolak balik sampai matang

Untuk 8 buah

Roti Jala

Roti Jala

bahan :
100 ml santan kental instant
500 ml air
250 gr tepung terigu
2 butir telur
1/2 sdt garam
2 sdm minyak sayur

cara membuat :
- masukkan semua bahan ke dalam blender, haluskan.
- dadar adonan dengan bentuk jala menggunakan gelas roti jala. kalo ga punya, masukkan dalam kantong plastik, gunting ujungnya kecil saja kurang lebih 1 mm
- jika telah matang, gulung atau lipat

Senin, 06 Oktober 2008

Egg McMuffin

Egg McMuffin®
This is a PER sandwich recipe:
1 large grade A egg
1 english muffin
butter, REAL butter
1 slice American cheese (real...not processed cheese food)
1 slice Canadian bacon
1 "12x12" sheet of wax paper
Non Stick Cooking Spray
You need an egg ring. Find one at you're favorite cooking specialty store.
COOKING your Egg McMuffin:
1- Pre-heat an electric griddle to 275 degrees. Toast your english muffin by laying both sides face down on
the griddle and applying pressure. This takes about 1 to 1.5 minutes. (they
should be medium brown) Set aside.
2- Lay your egg ring on the pre-heated grill. Spray with Pam to prevent sticking. Crack the egg and pour
into egg ring on the grill. Poke the yolk with a sharp instrument so it flows.
3- Butter both toasted halves of the english muffin liberally with melted butter. Put a slice of American
cheese on the bottom half.
4- About 2 1/2 minutes after you started cooking the egg, the whites should firm up, and the yolk should
still be a bit "liquidy". Carefully remove the ring, leaving the egg on the griddle.
(you may have to "slice" around the edges if it sticks)
5- Very carefully turn the egg over, and lay one slice of Canadian bacon on the griddle.
6- After about 30-45 seconds, "flip" the Canadian bacon, and remove the egg, placing it on the bottom half
(cheesed half) of the english muffin.
7- Put the Canadian bacon on top, and cover with the top of the english muffin.
8- Wrap in pre-cut wax paper just like the hambugrer recipes. Let stand 5 minutes, then microwave 12
second on high, and eat.